Trinity Lutheran Church is seeking a church secretary. If interested, please contact Pastor Hahn, Linda Harvey, or Roger Legg. The following is the job description:

Job Description

Work week – 16 hours (Monday – Thursday 9AM – 1PM). This is an on-site position.
In general utilize email instead of manual mailing when appropriate.
Compile and publish all publications. (bulletins, monthly newsletter, annual report, etc.)
Maintaining membership records. (baptism, weddings, new, transfer, etc.)
Answering telephones during work hours
Serve in a receptionist capacity to folks who come to the office
Typing, copying, and filing tasks as needed.
Utilizing standard office equipment. (computer, copier, telephone, etc)
To fully utilize computer and embrace software and program improvements. Proficiency
using MS Word, Excel, and Outlook necessary. Use of church management program,
PowerChurch, is required, as well as use of the Sundays and Seasons liturgical program.
Overseeing all mailing and email communications (relative to the church email address),
including use and maintenance of the “Newsletter” mailing list.
Ordering office and church supplies.
Order flowers for all occasions and maintain records of flower donors and bulletin
Be discrete, trustworthy, and maintain confidentiality.
Offering Counter, post contributions, make up deposit slips, do deposit in absence of
Treasurer. (see Counting and Posting Procedure)
Post Communion Cards in church management system.
Run monthly reports as requested by Pastor, Treasurer, and Congregation Council.
Mail offering statement once a year - utilize email for members with email addresses on
Pick up mail at Post Office daily (Monday-Thursday). Take outgoing mail to the Post
Maintain Homebound book and Pastor’s visitation schedule.
Prepare weekly Service Minister Schedule and the readings for the Lector and Assisting
Secretary makes and posts all sign-up sheets for various committees.
Keeps bulletin boards up to date.
Keep birthday calendar up to date and keep PowerChurch registry current. Provide
birthday list to Evangelism Committee.
It is secretary’s responsibility to keep stamps on hand - first class, additional ounce &
post card stamps. Use of the church credit card is required to purchase stamps.
Act as secondary signer on treasurer-issued Trinity Lutheran Church checks for payment.
Requires a visit with the treasurer to the local bank to sign the signature card. ID is
required by the bank.
Maintain security system u-pins and keyfobs, issuing each as requested by Council.
Maintain the listing of issuance. Monitor the camera, respond to the doorbell, and
properly use the intercom and unlocking mechanism. Report problems with the system to
the Property Committee.
Other duties as assigned.

Starting salary is $15.00 per hour.
Sick leave and vacation time:
• Five (5) paid sick days are provided after successfully completing six (6)
months of service and provided annually, thereafter. Where illness is related to
the ability to complete the tasks of the position (such as not being able to lift,
carry, etc.), a medical return to work excuse is required with instructions for
duty limitations and the estimated time of limitations. Federal, and State
guidelines may at times require quarantine and other safety procedures that
will be required of all staff.
• After successfully completing six months of service, two (2) weeks of paid
vacation time is earned. Vacation time is refreshed annually with the date of
hire (i.e. two weeks of vacation time can be taken between the current year’s
anniversary date and next year’s anniversary date).
• After completing five (5) years of service, three (3) weeks of paid vacation
time is provided.
• After completing ten (10) years of service, four (4) weeks of paid vacation
time is provided.
• NOTE: Vacation and sick time cannot be rolled over to the next year (time not
used is forfeited).
1. Time for additional training and instruction relative to the secretarial duties,
including changes or additions in office equipment, telephony, and/or computers
and computer programs shall be afforded during regular work hours. During such
times, volunteer or other paid support staff may be provided if appropriate.

Pastor's Pause
Rev. Trevor Hahn's May Monthly Thoughts

And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.” (Matt. 25:40, NRSVue, Zondervan, 2022). 

Did you know that there are dozens and dozens (and dozens and dozens) of commemorations and minor holidays celebrated in the month of May? They include National ALS month, Cinco de Mayo, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, and Hurricane preparedness week, as well as about 50 more “day,” “week,” and “month” designations. 

Someone seems to have missed putting my birthday and our anniversary on the national list! Haha. 

Something else that does not make that list of events for May are the commemorations of the Church. In light of Mother’s Day, May 12, I’d like to highlight one mother in Church history who had a profound influence on the Church, if not directly, definitely by the son she influenced.  

May 4 is the Commemoration Day for Monica, mother of Augustine. Born in Thagaste (Souk Ahras), Algeria, Monica married rather young and found herself in a marriage that fit the norm of the age (it was abusive). Her husband, Patricius, served on the town council and is defined as a Pagan (i.e. not following the Christian path). Monica was a devout Christian and implored her son,  Augustine, their eldest, to follow her path.  

As this is about Monica, rather than Augustine, we’ll just leave it as Augustine did not follow the Christian path initially. We know from history that Augustine did convert to Christianity and that he had considerable influence upon the theological and philosophical aspects of the Church as we know it.  

Monica is credited for her devotion to Christ and setting an example for her family. She would often enjoin the theological discourse that Augustine would take part in with friends and other theologians of his time. Monica set an example for those who would have otherwise been thought of the least, considered by the Church as hopeless. 

Augustine was not the only convert. Patricius also converted to Christianity on his deathbed, another credit to Monica’s example.  

Today, we might consider those without the necessities of life, those who struggle in life, and especially children as the least among our brothers and sisters in Christ. Perhaps, as we honor our mothers this month, we might consider the example of Monica and to embrace the least among us that we might honor Christ, our Risen Savior, by setting a similar example as followers of Christ. 


Pr. Hahn 


Night of Joy / Clean Hearts - Last Tuesday Each Month

Night of Joy begins with bingo at 4 p.m., followed by a free hot meal that can be enjoyed indoors or as take-out. Clean Hearts provides a bag of household goods for anyone in need. TLC cares for the community!

Confirmation Class
Helping local families in need at the Danville-Riverside Food Bank, Night of Joy, and Clean Hearts.
Baptisms Celebrated!
Infant and adult baptisms are celebrated during the worship service and allow for young families to meet and support one another.
Blanket Sunday!

Dozens of blankets are gathered at TLC from members, visitors, the Danville Moose, and others to combine with other donations from Upper Susquehanna Synod congregations. The blankets are sent annually through Lutheran Disaster Response and partner organizations for those in need around the world.